Tag Archives: Veterinary Medicine
Lily Toxicity and Your Cat
Out of all the plants that are toxic to your cat, lilies are the most dangerous. It’s well worth a reminder not only at Easter time when Easter lilies abound, but anytime throughout the year when people are purchasing flowers for
Veterinarian Credentials and What They Signify
Have you ever noticed the abbreviation after your veterinarian’s name? The abbreviation may vary from doctor to doctor, depending upon the training and skill level your veterinarian has achieved. Following is an explanation of the various credentials our team may
Rabbit dietary needs and dental care requirements
Rabbits make wonderful pets. Once you and your family learn about the basic care and dietary requirements, you can enjoy many years with your furry friend. There are several breeds to choose from, and they all have the same general
How to keep your pet rabbit healthy in an outdoor environment
We talk a lot about indoor rabbit care, but what about those rabbits that are kept outdoors? Good husbandry and proper housing is just as important for outdoor rabbits as those kept inside your home. One common practice that many
Veterinary care advice for your pet Guinea pig
Continuing with our series about guinea pig care, perhaps now you are a proud owner of one or more of these little cavies. Here are some things you should know about maintaining your guinea pig’s health and well-being: Always seek
The proBNP blood test for Cats to detect Heart Disease
Heart disease is the silent killer of cats. One in six cats can be born with and develop heart disease in their lifetime. There are no outward symptoms, but now there is a blood test called a proBNP test that
An Oncology Consultation…What Is It?
Pet owners now have more health care options for their pets than ever before. Cancer care is one of these options and board certified specialists are available to help. When a pet is diagnosed with cancer, pet owners can elect
Case Study: Canine Cystocentesis (Cysto) – Urinalysis (U/A – Urine exam) – E.Coli UTI
Sweet Rosie is a six month old Goldendoodle. She was suddenly straining to urinate and needed to go out to squat to urinate multiple times overnight and then throughout the morning. Her owner called BMAH, and we got her in
Meet Kona, The Sock Eater
Meet Kona. She decided one Saturday morning to swallow a black sock whole right after breakfast. Luckily the owner called us right away to ask what they should do. Our call center immediately asked Dr. Breuning to assist who directed
When to take your rabbit to the veterinarian
You have a pet rabbit. You are feeding it the recommended diet, and you take care to clean the cage daily. What other things should you look out for? Trim your rabbit’s nails It’s important to keep your bunny’s nails