Meet Lava! Lava recently had her second round of puppy DAPP 2 of 4 (Distemper/ Parvo Core Vaccine) last week. She loved being outside at a friend’s farm. She loved treats, the grass, the dirt, and was even ok with the sounds of a bulldozer far off in the background on this sunny, beautiful 75 degree day. What a great positive day of fun supervised new sights, smells, sounds, textures and experiences for this 11 week old puppy.
This is exactly what puppies need. The owner was concerned about the puppy’s age, and in the past, people were told to not expose puppies until they had all their puppy vaccine series completed at 16 weeks of age. We know now to not wait that long. Once puppies have had their second puppy DAPP booster around 9-10 weeks old, they are good to go, and they need socialization outside of your home. They can go on walks down the block, go to parks, and visit friends’ yards.
Please do avoid dog parks and other high urine and fecal traffic areas until the puppy is 16 weeks of age. However, you can walk the perimeter of parks to get the puppy used to seeing other dogs and different types of people, bikes, cars, and noises.
Continue Learning and Practicing
Belle Mead Animal Hospital has created a Dog and Puppy Training Playlist that includes what you need to do when you bring your puppy home, especially between the age of 9-19 weeks – Visit the Dog and Puppy Training Playlist Here and make sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for updates!
Dr. Joe Martins, DVM, Belle Mead Animal Hospital