March 2020 News from Belle Mead Animal Hospital
BMAH Remains Open to Serve You!
As an “essential business,” Belle Mead Animal Hospital remains Open to serve our clients during these uncertain times of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) spread.
We wish to thank all of you who have respected our “Social Distancing” policy and cooperated by using our “Curbside Check in Protocol.” Times of crisis do bring people together toward a positive outcome, and certainly we are seeing this now more than ever.
You can review our Curbside Check in Protocol here.
Use the BMAH Website as an Educational Resource!
Did you know you can now Search our website for particular topics of information and advice? Visit our Learning Center > Search this Site and enter a word or words of the subject you want to learn more about. We are constantly adding new material to our website and improving functionality to help serve you better.
Belle Mead Animal Hospital, Your Other Family Doctors
Handling Every Pet with Love Every Day!
As Certified Fear Free Professionals, our Mission is to prevent and alleviate fear, anxiety and stress in pets by inspiring and educating the people who care for them. Visit Fear Free Happy Homes here and join at no cost!
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