Tag Archives: Pets
When to take your rabbit to the veterinarian
You have a pet rabbit. You are feeding it the recommended diet, and you take care to clean the cage daily. What other things should you look out for? Trim your rabbit’s nails It’s important to keep your bunny’s nails
Upcoming Halloween Events that include Your Pets!
With Halloween around the corner, it’s time to start making fun plans that include your dogs! Belle Mead Animal Hospital will be participating in two local events this year, and we invite you to join us! Pet Masquerade Parade –
Keep your dog safe with a secure collar and proper identification
Properly identifying our pets is so important that an entire week in April has been designated as National Pet Identification Week. However, proper identification must be secured for your pet year round, and I wanted to share some things you
Helping children through pet loss
As adults and parents, most of us can say we have experienced the loss of a loved one at some point in our lives, human or pet family member and friend. As adults, at some point we come to recognize
Tips for raising a healthy ferret
Ferrets make wonderful pets. Most ferrets come from a place called Marshall Farms where they are spayed and neutered at a very young age to make better pets. Ferrets naturally have a very distinct odor about them, so they are
Flea Control and Disease Prevention for your Pets
What are Fleas? Fleas are tiny, wingless, jumping insects that feed on the blood of your pets and your family. The year has proven to be one of the worst flea seasons we have seen in over 20 years. All
Belle Mead Animal Hospital a contender in the Readers Choice Contest
Can you support us? The Courier News has launched their annual Readers Choice Contest for the “Best of the Best” in Central Jersey. Belle Mead Animal Hospital is a contender once again in the People & Services / Veterinarian category
Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there – both to human and their furry family members! Have a wonderful day! Belle Mead Animal Hospital, Your Other Family Doctors
Peace and Goodwill to All this Holiday Season
From all of us at Belle Mead Animal Hospital to all of you and yours…
Advice about Potbellied Pigs as pets
Potbellied pigs make great pets for the family or individual who are able to provide the proper care and housing they require. Your pet pig will be a member of your household for up to fifteen years. Therefore, it is